Thursday, September 9, 2010

Second time in San Jose/Shirjoles Costa Rica 2009

Well this second time around most of the team members are the same. We are talked and agreed that traveling down to Costa Rica felt like it was a continuation of the year before. This feeling was so felt like we went to America for a week vacation and now we're returning to finish our work. Praise the Lord for giving us that attitude. Our team name this year is "The Servants of Christ" and not to boast, but I believe we all came with a servants heart. We were all determined to finish the work in which we start the year before. We, for the most part, did accomplish everything. Again, Praise the Lord!

It was great to see God touching the new people (in the church and on the team). It did bring some sorrow to our hearts when we quickly realized who all became offended or bitter and left the church. Seeing God minister to them and bring their siblings to Christ and then returning and see that they didn't really receive the message. Always brings sorrow to ones heart.

I went house visiting the second day and that was very nice. We went to a ladys house and her daughter was there, she was about my age. God put that girl on my heart and I think about her often. I really felt that as she was sharing with us some of her struggles that God wanted to steep his comfort over her. To help her through these things and that she needed to put her trust in Him and rejoice. I pray God really touches her heart in a way that catches her eyes and that they may be fixed upon Him!

Again, the last three or four days we stayed in the city and had our fun as a team. Last year we did not have the time to walk around the city and shop, but this year we did :) We didn't get to go deep into the city because it was dark and that's not the greatest time to see the city or shop. So we waited and went shopping the next day. I must say that this year was better then last year, hotel wise. Last year our reservations were mysteriously erased and the hotel lied and said that there were no more rooms, but there were and he eventually gave them to us. We ordered Dominos pizza and that was nice, but this year. WOW :) now we actually had our rooms and they were NICE :) and we at upstairs on the absolute top. It had glass windows all around so we had the most beautiful view of the city and the food was fantastic!

Back tracking I forgot that both last year and this year we stayed in another hotel prior to this one. It was exotic and I really liked it. The second year they had made some changes and it was still exotic and better looking :) The second time all the girls and women were able to stay in a house, which I really liked that too :) Which brings to my memory that while we were in the jungle the guys decided to put frogs in the girls cabin...which none of us knew about until the next day because one of the girls woke up and saw them and removed them from our room before anyone woke up. heheh
This year was wonderful and I am sad to think that it might be a while before I will go back :(

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