Thursday, September 9, 2010

First time to Costa Rica...First time out of the Country 2008

The first time out of the Country (besides Canada). It is pretty wild, but i'm liking it. I was used by God to help the Sharp Family. I was put out of my comfort zone, which all need to be once in awhile, and it really opened my eyes. People always tell you things and you don't really believe them because we have it so good, everyone else should be having it 'so good'. It was wonderful to minister to the people there and help the Sharps out. We were able to live our lives there and show the people down there that there are people who have the same vision as Pastor Curtis and Sister Cathy.

It was wonderful to see new senary as well. I love the jungle areas and it was quite a treat to be able to stay in the jungle for a week. While we were there we helped make improvements on the Sharps house and some odd jobs on the other buildings on campus. The ladys were able to go house visiting for the first three or four days and that was a joy to go around the village and visit the people on a one on one basis. It was rough the first time because we all are new and haven't quite jumped into the 'i'm in a different country' mode. The next couple of days we helped out with VBS and that was also a blast and a step out of my comfort zone. Here we are ministering to the youth who don't really understand nor speak our language, but we are allowing God to still use us. That was such a blast and a wonderful experience. I believe it helped those who are called to another land to get a sneak peak at what might be one day what they will be doing for the Lord. Who knows?

After the week was up we packed our bags and headed into the city. We still have two or three days left and so we have a blast as a team :) We go zip lining over a jungle and river, boating and see Costa Rica crocs, water rafting, and a couple other things. It was such a blast as a team. We had some time to relax in the hotel and talk amongst each other about what the Lord spoke to us during that week in the jungle. It was wonderful that our team was able to work with such unity and no complaints :) God is so Good and I hope that this will be the first of many more missions trips!

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