Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Every Day is Trash Day

Have you struggled with over thinking about all your short comings? Just like I said in my last blog post, it's only by Gods grace that we can accomplish what concerns us each new day. We have a bunch of "trash" that builds up within us; that is part of life that is lived in the world. I am ashamed to say that it is so easy to be drawn to the trash, but we want to seek to be like Jesus and resist. We see in Matthew 4 how Satan came and tempted Jesus with earthly temptations and so does Satan attempt to tempt us. This is why it is so very important to make sure that we come daily to the Lord and surrender all of the filth we have in us to the Lord.

One other thing that must be considered is this: once we remove something within us, we now have an empty and vacant spot opened up. As we wait, may we allow God to throw away that garbage we collected and replace it with His desires. Sometimes we may be very busy with working all the time, but we must find that time where we can come away and just sit and allow God to do that work in us.

God bless!

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