Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Stop and Breathe In the Freedom

After we come through a trail, what honestly is the first thing we do? After we have gone through it and have come to the end of that trial, try to take the time to stop and breathe. Recognize that you have indeed been set free from something. "If the Son, therefore, shall set you free, ye shall be free indeed." Take a moment to let that thought soak in to your mind. Often times the enemy comes in afterwards to bring confusion and even doubts of whether we have been set free. Proclaim it!

Using the Children of Israel as an example: after they were set free from their captivity with Pharaoh in Egypt, they were more worried about the next step. Moses took the time to proclaim that the Son of God has set them free and praise Him for it. We see the children set a continual pattern of focusing on something else after every trial. We too might find ourselves doing this--worried about our next trial or something else, but let us take the time to stop and think. We pray for God to do something new in our lives and the truth is, He does, we just don't take time to pause and recognize that something new has happened. Breathe in the air of freedom from something and realize that it's something new in our life. We have to get use to it and of course Satan does not want to, but he wants us to fall back into that pit.

Stop, breathe in the new freedom & life divine and thank Him for what He has done!

Blessings to you all!

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