Monday, May 27, 2013

God Uses Stress for Our Good

Different types of stress on these plates creates earthquakes and other geological conditions. A rock's response to stress varies according to the type of rock, the surrounding temperatures, duration of the stress and the type of stress.

Compression Stress
Compression stress = squeezes rocks. This is the most common stress. Rocks squeezing together where plates are moving toward one another causes them to fold or break. These are called faults. Faults are cracks in the crust that cause earthquakes. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the stress factor on a surface, such as a fault plane, results from "forces applied perpendicular to the surface or from remote forces transmitted through the surrounding rock."

Tensional Stress
Rocks pulled apart are under tensional stress. Tensional stress is the major type of stress that occurs at plate boundaries. This type of stress happens when rocks stretch and become thin in the middle.

Shear Stress
Shear stress occurs when forces are parallel but move in opposite directions. This is the most common stress found at plate boundaries. Rocks are pushed in different directions, causing them to slip apart or change shape. Shear stress manifests as a seismic body wave that shakes the ground.

Read more: Three Types of Stress on the Earth's Crust | eHow

The reason I posted these facts about stress with rocks is because God has been revealing something to me. We all are brought through different types of stress and  just as a rock responds to stress so do we. There are various types of rocks and there are various types of people. The temperature on earth changes and so does the heat of our trials change. 

God brings stress into our lives not to create an earthquake, but to create something beautiful. However, an earthquake can happen if we resist His work in our lives. God uses a shear stress to slip apart wrong relationships that would destroy us. He brings tensional stress to thin us of our self and stretch us to be able to stand the pressure of the future. Lastly, compressional stress may be used in different ways. It can be used to squeeze together a married couple on the mission field, to break a stubborn/rebellious mind and unite them with authority. 

It is amazing how we can learn more about God through studying His creation. All the earth bows down and sings praise to His name. May we remember to sing praises to His name during times of stress in our life.

God Bless!

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