Monday, May 20, 2013

God Wants Us to be Fruitful!

God is glorified when we bring forth fruit! If we were to have a chart that shows how much spiritual fruit we have produced up to this point, would we be disappointed with our selves? If we love God and are searching for a way to please Him, then go out and produce fruit when He tells you to do so. There are seven keys to producing fruit and much fruit. I know that I want to try my hardest to have a garden full of much fruit and not weeds and fruit that is dead. 

(1) Be planted in the right place--being planted in the wrong place is like being planted in a pot, you are going to produce very small fruit (Ps. 92:12-14).

(2) Be watered daily--you have to be watered in order to grow (1 Cor. 3:4,9). Being watered comes through the Word. Rain: Word; Spirit and we need both in order to grow (Deut. 32:2; Lev. 26:2). No rain, no growth!

(3) Be cultivated--digging around the plants to get the weeds out. Allow others to dig a little in your life and we too need to do a little bit of digging (Hosea 10:1). This may require seeking on your own and a breaking. Seek the Lord and allow Him to break up the fowl ground. We sometimes have to fall on the rock and be broken. 

(4) Be fertilized--God gives it to us to enrich our soil and this is fallen man that God uses to accomplish this (Lk. 13:6-9). North wind - adversity; South wind - pleasant experiences (SoS. 4:16). We need both experiences in our lives! 

(5) Be connected and stay connected to the True Vine--prayer life, communion with the Son and Holy Spirit, etc...Keys to be fruitful is to meditate upon the law (Word/Christ) day and night (Jn. 15:4). We have to abide, we have to remain in the source of true life.

(6) Be Pruned--Fruit, more fruit, and much fruit (Jn. 15:2-5). As we obey there is a pruning that takes place. God does not force us to do anything we are not willing to do. There are points in our life where God will say, "It's time to move away from this and on to this." Those things He asks are sacrifices to us and if we wish to become much fruit, then we must sacrifice what He asks. 

(7) Realize that it's All God!--In the end, all the fruit that we have was gained by God. He is the one who brings the increase of fruit into our lives (1 Cor. 3:7)! There are people who are here a season and gone, but God is looking for those who have remained and are willing to allow Him to perfect their life. Those are the ones whom God will bring an increase of fruit into their lives.

God Bless and be ye Much Fruitful!

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