Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Stand in the Gap!

In our Wednesday Night Service, my Pastor spoke on, "Standing in the Gap." This really came to live in a new way to me and I wanted to share it with you. 

While Pastor was speaking, the thought came to me of Abraham and Lot. There was a point where Abraham pleaded with God that if there were any righteous men in the land of Sodom and Gomorrah, would God spare them? God said yes, but the thing is there was not even ten righteous men in the land. If Lot would have guarded his family better by not running after that which was appealing to the eye, then there would of been enough righteous men in the land to save them from destruction. Lot had the choice between two pieces of land and he went after land that was appealing to the eye. In the end he lost his family to the world and his wife who turned to look at the cities destruction and she became a pillar of salt. 

We are in a land that is like Sodom and Gomorrah. America is a land that is very appealing to the eye and many seek to come to this land. We, who are already in this land, must allow God to use us to stand in the gap for this land. Instead of focusing on that which is appealing to the eye, may we seek to intercede and stand in the gap for this land. We see it now, little by little America is losing its sovereignty. There is no way for America to turn around accept for revival and when that time comes we will see America humbled and crying out to God. But before that happens there must be those who are willing to stand in the gap and God is searching even now for those people.

Abraham pleaded with the Lord for Sodom and Gomorrah and God heard His requests. We must not accept the attitude of, "America is doomed and there is no hope for this country." If we will humble our self and pray, then God will hear us and will answer. 

May we be one that God can use to stand in the gap for others and for this land!



  1. Amen.. crazy how it's one thing to hide in the Church, another thing to go and join the world.. seems like it takes the ultimate strength to stand in the "gap" which is in between the two. In that case you are closer to the things that are appealing but it takes all the more consecration to deny it and pray for the lost. Thanks for the post Rebecca!
