Thursday, May 2, 2013

Question for those who are following my blog:

I want to post a question for all who are following my blog: What has the Lord been speaking to you recently? 

Sometimes I feel that the Lord speaks so much to me and I fail to take it all in. Other times I ask myself, "Why isn't God speaking to me?" and a couple minutes later I realize He has been, it's just that I haven't been re-meditating upon it. So, if you wish, please share what the Lord has been speaking to you recently?


  1. I've seen these last couple of days the Lord focusing on the Kenosis of Christ. I find myself needing to be emptied of so many desires and mindsets but I know in the end, I will see the Lord's best worked out in my life. Thanks for this opportunity to share, its always encouraging to see the Lord working in others :)

  2. Amen Jonathan! That is wonderful and encouraging to hear for sure.
