Monday, May 20, 2013

God Gave Us Someone to Intercede for Us!

Ever feel like there is no one out there who cares or is able to help you right here right now? Well I want to remind you or maybe tell you for the very first time that this feeling is false. God became man so that He could be able to go through our experiences, overcome them and help us through it. Christ left, but when He left His Holy Spirit came. The Holy Spirit intercedes for the people of God. He knows their needs and He intercedes for us. What a wonderful thought! God cares enough for us that He sent us someone to intercede for us!

The Godhead (God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit) has deep feelings (Eph. 4:30; Jn. 11:35). He does care for us and the truth is He saved us and received us knowing all of our flaws. We only discover them day by day, but God knew about them before we even discovered they were there. God has feelings and He gave to us a Holy Spirit to intercede for us.

Do not push the Holy Spirit aside because He cares for you and is helping you. The Holy Spirit is a friend that sticks closer to you then a brother. He leads us, comforters us and intercedes for us. This is the kind of friend you want close to you! He can take something very difficult and make it easy to understand. He can untangle every knot. Take encouragement, take hope, take comfort in this truth. He is there for us and knows what we need before we even see it. 

Remember this, recite it to yourself and don't let the enemy blind you to this beautiful truth. The Godhead sees and intercedes for His people. 

Amen!?! Be encourage for the Comforter Intercedes for us.

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