Sunday, May 26, 2013

He Paid a Debt He Did Not Owe; I Owed a Debt I Could Not Pay!

I want to wish everyone a happy Memorial Day. May we remember not just those who died for our country, but more importantly the greatest Man who ever lived on earth. The One who sacrificed His life so that we may have life and life abundantly, Jesus Christ. The shedding of His blood was the only way for us to be one and have life.

Be one with God and one with man; for we cannot say we love God if we have bitterness or hatred in our heart towards another man. Let it go! Allow God to work love into your heart. May we see the people all around us through the eyes of our Lord and not through our own eyes. Our eyes criticized and condemn others and put them and our self in bondage. I know that I have struggled with criticizing those around me, but thank God that He loved me enough to deal with me in this around of my character. Christ did not die so that we can criticize one another, but He died so that we can be ONE. Every situation we face has a different response we must play out. Seeking God in every situation is so very important.

Understand that we cannot be covered by the blood of the lamb if we are bruising a member of Gods body. God cares greatly for His body and its member's. One does not take his one foot and stomp on the other nor does he take a knife with one hand and stab the other with it. Yet we the church are doing this and may God open our eyes today to see what we, as an individual, are doing to another member.

If we desire, as captive ones, to be set free, then sometimes it will require ourselves setting others free. We set others free when we let go of the bitterness, hurt, pain, criticism, etc that we hold against them.

God Bless You!

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