Thursday, October 21, 2010

Days which make our lifes History

As humans we live each day and each day we give a label and put it into categories. We have: bad days, glorious days, days that seem to have no meaning, and valuable days.

When it's been a bad day we tend to wish it over, but we also tend to look back. All we can see are things we wish we could take back, all our mistakes. We think about things we'd rather forget. In this category we really can learn things. If we look at them and see that it really was a day that brought something in me to the surface, then maybe we can use it to our advantage. Look at what problem(s) came up and try to allow your eyes to be opened. God created us in His image, but it is our sinful nature that causes ugly to come in. On those 'bad days' may it's really God putting you through a trial to open your eyes to what He would like to deal in you? We have so many flaws, but if we look at them in whole we will only become overwhelmed and give up! These 'bad days' are more like God saying "Okay my beloved this is what I want to work out of you!" So, when it's been a bad day and you're looking back don't think of all your regrets because that was history and you cannot change it, but look back and see what can be change so when it comes around again you may be prepared!

Glorious days are days we all would love to have everyday! I think about those days and I thank God for them. For me these are days that God puts us through to help us to know that He isn't condemning us! He wants His people to be joyful. The joy of the Lord is after all our strength. Glorious days are when we are at the mountain top rejoicing with loud voices. When we go through these days we are being strengthened and energize for the days to come where we shall need it!

Meaningless days might be the hardest days really. Days, from a mortals eye, that do not show meaning causes frustration. We always are wanting to know everything! No one ever likes being out of the loop and so when we are in one of those days where we seem 'out of the loop' we get discouraged. The enemy loves these days because he can use it to put Gods people into snares where it will be very long and difficult to get out. He feeds us lies and our mind is in a state where we cannot seem to explain it, but we just believe those lies. That sets us down a path that we do not want to be on. Meaningless days are days where we may not understand the reason nor see it now, but in years to come God taps us on the shoulder and says 'you see I brought you through that situation so that you would be prepared/equipped for this greater one!' Everything has a meaning, just for some things the meaning is obvious/immediate and others it takes time to understand it.

Lastly, Valuable days! These days are my favor it (when they are over with ;)) These are days where God teaches us the most meaningful lessons that makes us who we are. Where God humbles His people, takes them down so low. In those low areas He walks us through and teaches us what we need to learn. Everyone goes through these, but I truly believe that it is the leadership who end up going through these days. Like King David, who was a shepherd. He was put down low with the sheep. He learned to how to properly handle his flock and protect them. He learned his greatest lesson when he was in the low area. Then, when it was Gods perfect timing, he raised him up to be King. When he rose he was already equipped for the task. The same applied with Moses. I'm sure we all know the story. He was put among the people and learned from them. He was hidden, but when it was God's perfect timing He raised him up and he led the Children of Israel out of Egypt.

I was thinking about 'days' today and wanted to share that each day is special. I hope that when we wake up we can thank God for what He will do and at the end thank Him for what He has brought us through.

God Bless

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