Saturday, October 2, 2010

Gods way...Trust and Obey

You wanna know something that God has been speaking to me lately? Well I'll tell ya.

His way's aren't always understandable to the mortal eyes, but you know what if you are a Christian you must trust and obey. Know that the understanding will come later. It is hard, trust me I know because God is putting me through this trial. I am trusting in Him even though there is humiliation and change in my life that is difficult right now, but I am trusting Him and being careful of the opinions I make. I don't really understand right now, but I am walking the path and obeying my Heaven and earthly Father and one day I am sure God will give me the understanding of why He put me through this trial.

So, my word of encouragement for you is that if you believe in the Lord and you are going through trial after trial that is extremely difficult and/or humiliating plus you don't quite understand. Trust and obey! God doesn't try to confess us and laugh at us because we don't understand; He wants us to understand and if we continue to press day understand still come!

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