Sunday, October 3, 2010

Psalm 40:8

"I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart."

As Christians, do we always delight to do God's will? Where we are in life: work, house, you take delight in doing it? God's will is purposeful and we as Christians must make sure that we fulfill that will!

God knows our strengths and weaknesses and He wants to strengthen our strengths and cause our weaknesses to disappear. God has a plan for our life and so many lives depend on us following that plan to the end. Think of it in the battle realm, God has ordained you to a certain post and you must stay there! If you are not there standing your ground  then that leaves a breach for the enemy to come in and the walls will come down. The enemy likes to speak lies to us which is why we must know our Shepherds voice. The enemy speaks words like, "why are you here?" "you can be somewhere else making more money?" "why don't you just run away?" and he tries to get us to leave our post. Take delight to do God's will...if you don't then tell God. "Lord is this your will? if it is then cause me to take delight in it!" If you know that you are doing God's will, then use your shield of faith and when the enemy comes in to speak poison into your mind put that shield up and say "No, I won't listen to you for I know that this is what God said and what He wants me to do right now!"

That was Eves folly...she listened, she did not put her shield of faith up, but she listened to the voice of lies! We have an Armour that is of God and we must use it!

"I delight to do thy will..." if you don't take delight in doing God's will then don't ignore, but take it to God in prayer! He does not ignore you...He sees you are struggling, but He wants you to draw nearer to you. James 4:8 "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you..."

I say it again, if you aren't taking delight in doing God's will, then Please don't just ignore it! Seek out why you aren't finding delight!

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